Saturday, May 11, 2013


I have a confession to make...I'm addicted to Pinterest! I can't help myself! I know that it's the in-thing right now and practically everyone has an account, but seriously. It's bad. I have to stop myself daily from creating  another board. I think Pinterest has sucked me in because it appeals to so many of my guilty pleasures--crafting, cooking, shopping, and organizing.

Because it would be totally unreasonable for me to quit cold-turkey, I have instead come up with a few tips to help me keep it all under control.

1. Before you pin, consider how reasonable the idea actually is for you.  Am I ever going to attempt this? Probably not, at least not on such a grand scale, but maybe one day...on a much smaller table...

2. I think the key to any good Pinterest account is effective organization. (I probably learned that from something I found on Pinterest...) I believe in the boards, and lots of them. Properly organizing pins increases the odds that you might actually, one day, attempt the pin.

3.Once you've successfully attempted a pin, move it to a new board. For example, when I find a recipe I'd like to try, it's pinned onto my "Recipes to Try" board. (Clever, I know.) After trying the recipe, if it's something I'd like to keep in the menu rotation, I move it to a different board, i.e. Favorite Recipes, Sides, Desserts, etc. If my family didn't like the new dish, the pin gets deleted.

4. Regularly clean house. What I mean is, go through each board and delete delete delete! Sometimes I'm guilty of violating Tip #1 and I pin something ridiculous. This is where #4 comes in handy.

5. Change the description of your re-pins to reflect your reason for pinning. I think it's pretty common to pin something when you only like one aspect of the picture--it's a picture of an entire outfit but you're pinning because you think you can recreate the top by refashioning one of your own. Leave yourself a clue so when it comes time to clean out your Pin Boards, you'll easily remember why you pinned each thing in the first place.

Feel free to share your own tips below, and happy pinning!

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